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Alex Austin 2-Piece Jump Cue


The Alex Austin Jump Cue gets you out of those trouble spots with ease. The hard fiber tip is scientifically designed to put forth accurate and succinct pressure to produce the cue ball arc.̴Ì_The bell curve design on the base of the cue is engineered to fit comfortably in your grip, so the cue can be held limply yet with stability at the same time. On̴Ì_the flip side, the quick release joint allows for easy and quick disassembly̴Ì_after executing your perfect̴Ì_jump shot, to make moving on to your̴Ì_next shot quick̴Ì_and easy.̴Ì_
  • Hard Fiber Tip̴Ì_
  • 41" Length
  • Quick Release Joint
  • Comfortable Bell Curve Grip on Base